Artisan Distillery Boiler Photos

Each boiler is configured to suit the artisan distillery’s unique needs and layout. Every year, artisan distilleries across the USA select American made Pottstown Engineered Products (PEP) boilers. Look below for a glimpse “behind the curtain” at a handful of these distilleries and discover why PEP boilers are the popular choice for artisan distillers.

Flying Leap Vineyards & Distillery

Elgin, AZ

Boiler Details

Model: MPH 50
50 HP
15 PSI low pressure steam boiler
Fuel: natural gas
ASME stamped and certified

Get the scoop on Flying Leap Vineyards’ new Distillery.

Brandywine Branch Distillers

Elverson, PA

Boiler Details

Model: MPH 50
50 HP
15 PSI low pressure steam boiler
Fuel: natural gas
ASME stamped and certified

Lazy Guy Distillery

Kennesaw, GA

Boiler Details

16 HP
15 PSI low pressure steam boiler
Design: inclined watertube boiler
Fuel: natural gas
Width: 32.5 inches wide
Water feed tank: HFS 7
ASME stamped and certified

Moonrise Distillery

Clayton, GA

Boiler Details

Model: MPH 30 SG
30 HP
15 PSI low pressure steam boiler
Design: multi-pass horizontal boiler
Fuel: natural gas
Width: 32.5″ wide
Water feed tank: HFS 8
ASME stamped and certified

Skybound Distillery

Seattle, WA

Boiler Details

Model: MPH 10
10 HP
15 PSI low pressure steam boiler
Design: multi-pass horizontal boiler
Fuel: natural gas
Water feed tank: HFS
ASME stamped and certified